For more than 10 years the Bayexpress has been a reliable guide for sailors in Turkey, The Eastern Greek islands of the Dodecanese or in Croatia. In the new version of the app for the Croatian coast, in addition to the most interesting restaurants along the coast and on the islands, for the first time the buoy fields of Croatia are marked on the map, all the ferry terminals and petrol stations.
Every year thousands of sailors and guests sail along the Turkish or Croatian Coast and Greek Dodecanese Islands. The variety of these sailing grounds is more than you can guess even after 14 days of sailing. Nature, culture and culinary can be experienced in many different ways and after your first visit you will just call out for more. This is where Bayexpress comes along: No matter if it is a pirate's nest or an elegant marina restaurant, if you prefer lamb from the open fire or stuffed cuttle-fish, the Bayexpress will show you the most interesting places!
The information about these places is also available offline, the app switches to offline mode if the connection is bad, but can also be limited to these settings. The map view is limited to a lower resolution in this state. The intuitive distance tool also works in offline mode. With this tool routes can be drawn in legs, the distances of this legs are calculated individually and summed up. The waypoints within this route can be edited later. The built-in full-text search function is limited to the offline content of the app.